
Last week we acknowledged Reconciliation week with some activities at lunch time on both campuses and encouraged staff  and students to have open and respectful conversation about first nations history.  The theme for this year’s Reconciliation week was  ‘Now More Than Ever’. This theme holds a lot of significance in how we as a nation should move forward in supporting First Nations People. On the senior campus we held a poster competition. Congratulations to the following students:


Team 1:  Nikita R, Riya A and Randuli M  (Year 10)

Team 2:  Samadhi J, Elissa O and Lucy G  (Year 9)



Mens Health Week

Next week is Men’s Health Week. This year we are joining the campaign of Good Health Heroes to promote men accessing help and staying healthy. From a daily walk on your lunch break to a regular coffee with a mate — build your best self by stacking simple habits.

Good Health Heroes have got you covered, championing the most essential and effective habits for better wellbeing: physical activity, nutrition, reducing risk taking, sleep, connection and education. I encourage all male parents/carers/grandparents to have a look at the  website and complete the Good Health Heros health quiz. Here are some of the statistics being shared by Good Health Heroes:

Health by the numbers



Foster Carers needed

Berry Street provides out-of-home care (foster care, kinship care and residential care) to over 11,000 children and young people who cannot live safely at home each year.  The number of people enquiring about fostering has halved in the Berry Street program over the past twelve months, a trend shared by other organisations.

But the demand for foster care remains. Just in South East Metro alone, Berry Street receives an average of 54 children/young people referred each month and about 46% of these referrals for sibling groups. The population of the City of Monash is 204,936 and currently, Berry Street only have 2 foster care households in the entire area of Monash.

If you would like to find out more please visit 






Mr Paul Graham
Student Support and Resources Manager